In retrospect I should have known better. I was the 8th employee of a very stealthy startup, and...
Our mission at Digital Catapult was insane: impacting the UK economy through driving faster...
It was the time of Google Maps appearing on the scene, mashups, and web 2.0. We'd spotted a...
The Xerox EuroPARC lab in Cambridge was a heady mix of Wallace and Gromit-style crazy...
Only once in my life have I been involved in a project that made a test user feel physically...
I've had a few nerve wracking road trips in my life, but a dawn taxi ride to the Cairo airport is...
Chip Steinmetz was a larger-than-life character who had come to from Disney to...
"You are in a comfortable coffin, lined indulgently in red silk. The coffin is buried six...
Sending the clinicians to the toilets to remove their shirts and try out home-made iPhone...
People tell stories as they look at photos together: grandmothers, grandsons, and everyone...
You never learned as much taking a class as you did helping teach one, and I felt very lucky to do...
Vince, one of the three founders of, had a ridiculous number of siblings, a penchant...
Every time I met my friend Antony for a drink he'd say "You still working on that little...
Greg Wolff definitely had the most accurate frisbee throw of anyone I've worked with, having been...
Our colleague Jay Fichialos at Sabre in Texas had started doing...
Stanford is the poster child for porous boundaries between universities, startups and bigger...
The idea of tickets had bothered me for a while. We all understand ecommerce - you go to a site,...
Writing this at the end of 2021, after five years as a 'NED' (non-executive director) on the NHS...
Sense of Perspective is a circle of lights showing global birth and death rates, in 60 directions...
I watched a talk by the great Edward Tufte where he mentioned the idea of using elements of the...